This content requires the base game Crusaders of the Lost Idols on Steam in
order to play.
## About This Content
Taskmasters are helpers who can automate parts of the game. Assign them to
click monsters, level Crusaders, or use abilities to save your precious
Taskmasters can:
* Auto level a Crusader, one click per second. Will purchase upgrades if there are unbought upgrades.
* Auto click monsters (yes, this counts for the achievements), if click damage will hit a monster. 5 clicks per second, up to 5 taskmasters can be assigned to click monsters.
* 3 assigned to clicking monsters will automatically pick up dropped gold and quest items.
* 4 assigned to clicking monsters will act like pressing the right arrow key to initiate an area transition, immediately on area completion.
* 5 assigned to clicking monsters will cause all Taskmasters clicking monsters to click 20% faster.
* Be assigned to use a specific buff card every time it runs out. These Taskmasters aren’t cleared from the buff cards on resetting the world.
* Auto use a specific ability (Firestorm, Storm Rider, etc.)
* Keep auto-progress turned on.
In this pack:
* Taskmaster: Dorothy the Lovely Lion
* 5 Runic chests.
* 2 Arcane Geodes
* Loving Pride idol buff – 2 Day 25% More Idols Buff (starts immediately on purchase)!
- Save Village
- Saving Punyville
- Saviors of Sapphire Wings / Stranger of Sword City Revisited – “Dungeons and Refrains” Official Soundtrack
- Saviors of Sapphire Wings / Stranger of Sword City Revisited – “Journey from Savior to Stranger” Art Book
- Sayonara Golden Days
- Sayonara Golden Days – Golden Souls
- SC2KRender
- Scaper Dash
- Scarlet Deer Inn
- Scarlet Hollow — Episode 1
- Scarlet Hood and the Wicked Wood – Artbook
- Scarlet Hood and the Wicked Wood – Original Soundtracks
- Scarleth
- Scary Buddies