Crisis Crunch was developed by Trim Tangle
Crisis Crunch was Released on Windows,Mac,Linux
Crisis Crunch is a Single Player game
When losers stick together nothing is impossible. **Guy Guatamez** , professional intern and his mates want to destroy their hell-contracts and recover their souls, the only way to escape from the crazy chambers of **Malebolge Corporation** , the Underworld enterprise of evil, where they are damned to work forever, without the minimum wage!
That’s why they will come up with a plan to sabotage **The Eight Departments of Sin** from the inside, putting Malebolge’s president, **Lucas Feri** , against the wall. Using their wits and guts and their peculiar abilities, they will try to fulfill this quest.
Laugh at society, laugh at the mass media, laugh at your boss, laugh at celebrities, laugh at yourself, laugh at us too (but not too much)… Whatever!, but laugh! Join the **Crunch Bunch** and send everything to hell!
* **Point and Click adventure with comic style** that forgets about items and inventory mechanics .
* **Use the crazy abilities of eight different characters** to make your way through the story, abilities like: caffeine speed, hyper swipe, toxic perfume, blind man super hearing, accountant analyzing, flashing dentition … You have 25 different abilities!
* **Satirical dialogues with 50 bizarre NPC** , in which you must manage the interventions of your companions to satisfactory get away with your plans.
* **Take documents in your portfolio and use its content** as clues to solve different situations.
* **Critical review of modern society** , cliche abuse, hooliganism and irony.