Cortex sends sends enemies and goofy threats to Crash, Coco and
Crunch’s home in Wumpa Island. No one feels safe there so Coco has an
idea of a machine that could stop Cortex (I’m currently working on what kind of machine it should be) that requires crystals and
Energons to power it. So Crash and Coco go on their quest to get
crystals and Energons. Cortex also had a plan in mind that requires
crystals. He thinks that he may have perfected the Evolvo Ray and wants
to use it on Crash, Coco and Crunch again. So when Cortex sees what the
Bandicoots are up to, he wants Crash to give him the crystals and tries
to make a deal with him by saying privately to Crash “If you give ME
the crystals, I’ll give you an unlimited supply of Wumpa Whip and leave
you all alone so you have your peaceful lives back. (but he really
wants to power the Ray and use it on them) If you DON’T, I will use
force and destroy you and Wumpa Island!” So for Crash, he’s confused of
who to give the crystals to and since Crash can’t talk, he can’t
communicate to his friends what Cortex is telling Crash.
Crash of Chaos was developed by Mykle
Crash of Chaos was Released on Windows
Crash of Chaos is a Single Player game