## Description
_Course aux Lettres_ is an educational game to learn the Latin alphabet. The
player controls Cyprien, a mysterious head running on the floors of the
building full of single letters, two letter syllables or three letter words.
Cyprien can jump and be sent to a left or right direction by the player’s
command, but he runs in this direction, descends into the floor gap or lifts
on the elevator on his own. The main goal at each stage is to collect letters
or groups of letters in a required or alphabetical order. To do this, Cyprien
must stay over the letter or word he wants to take and jump over those that he
does not want to take. A letter or a word taken becomes a hole, which he can
use to go to the lower floor. He must take the elevator at the ground floor to
go up to the top floor. Cyprien has three lives, and each life disappears if
he is mistaken in the letter or word, or if he falls into the elevator’s
shaft. Each time Cyprien takes the elevator, the bonus decreases by 500
points. Collecting all the letters at the current stage, Cyprien is
transferred to the next stage with a collected bonus. Each next stage the
number of letters or words is increased.