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In this surreal press turn-based JRPG, you will take on a variety of strange creatures based on printmaking materials. As the Monitor, you must gather strength and find your friends, Bad Girl, Miss Gun, and Mr. Woodcut. In this non-linear story, do your best to defeat the 4 bosses!
## About This Game
In this game, you will be playing as Monitor, and you will have the option to
get your friends, Bad Girl, Mr. Woodcut, and Miss Gun to help you out.
There are 4 bosses you need to beat, and they are hidden throughout rooms in
the Print Studio! Please kick them out. The combat is standard Turn Based
Combat using the Press Turn System. You will excel at crafts and skill by
using a variety of your CRAFTS.
There are many small and silly routes to get what you want and do what you
need. As long as you are strong and respect the craft, you will be winning the
game. Welcome to the game.
The soundtrack for this game is done by Lintilion, and you can get the
soundtrack here: