“Confessions at Candlewood Lake” is a romantic comedy Visual Novel tale of four women who take a surprise long weekend at a luxurious chalet in Candlewood Lake, Connecticut.
## About This Game
“Confessions at Candlewood Lake” is a romantic tale of four women who take a
surprise long weekend at a luxurious chalet in Candlewood Lake, Connecticut,
after all their flights are cancelled on account of a volcanic eruption in
Iceland. Watch as connections are created, and budding romances begin with the
backdrop of a gorgeous lake behind them.
\- A heart-warming tale mixed with witty dialogue
\- Acoustic folk and smooth jazz soundtrack
\- Beautiful Anime style art
\- Multiple endings and romantic arcs
\- 50k+ Word count
## Mature Content Description
The developers describe the content like this:
Game contains female to female romantic relationships, strong language, and
mature humor. It is recommended for mature audiences only.