## Description
_Concentration_ , _Number Challenge_ and _Word Challenge_ are three games to
use your brain and test your memory:
Concentration: A one player game where you are presented with a 8 x 8 grid
full of hidden pairs of letters. You choose a square and a letter is revealed,
then you choose another square and hopefully match the same letter. If they
don’t match then the letters disappear and you choose two more squares. If
they do match then the pair of letters stay on the screen.
Number Challenge: A game based on the game Simon for one to six players and
each player has three turns to get the highest score memorising sequences of
numbers. Each player can choose from one of three games a turn, Straight
Forward, Back Up, and Both Ways with each one having varying levels of
difficulty and scoring more points. Straight Forward has the player watching a
sequence of numbers and then typing in the same sequence. Get it right and the
computer then adds a new number to the sequence. Back Up has the player having
to type the sequence backwards and Both Ways needs the sequence typing in
forwards and backwards.
Word Challenge: Based on the game of Boggle for one to six players with each
playing attempting to make as many words as they can from a 5 x 5 grid full of
mixed letters. As a timer counts down, each player must write down as many
words as they can from the letters in any direction but the letters must
touch. At the end of the timer, each player writes down their score and the
winner is the player with the highest score.