The Combined Arms Operations Series simulates hypothetical battles between World War II armies. Assemble your forces, out plan, and outfight your enemies to master the art of combined arms warfare in chaotic simultaneous turns where commanders must adapt quickly to an evolving battlefield.
## About This Game
The Combined Arms Operations Series (CAOS) simulates operational level combat
between World War II armies across national boundaries and years. Ever wanted
to see Soviet and US forces face off in 1945? Or Germany 1939 versus Italy
1942? Here’s your shot.
Follow historical doctrines or rewrite them entirely as you reorganize
historical armies to match your command style. See for yourself how the Soviet
army could perform in 1941 outside the confines of Operation Barbarossa. Mix
and match units from across the German army to create the ultimate combined
arms kampfgruppe in 1944. Mass enough American artillery to blot out the sun.
Whatever your playstyle, CAOS is happy to provide.
Scenarios in CAOS are fast paced and self-contained. Players can choose
between anything from small battles between a couple divisions that can be
played in under and hour, to sprawling army level battles involving dozens of
divisions and hundreds of units that can be played across several days.
Multiplayer scenarios are synchronous, allowing you to see your ally issue
orders in real time, easily coordinate your battleplans, and even transfer
control of units between players.
## Simulate Operational Combat:
CAOS uses simultaneous turn resolution and highly mobile combat to recreate
the chaotic nature of combined arms warfare in a turn-based strategy game. Use
armored spearheads to smash through enemy lines and create deep encirclements.
Infiltrate commandos through rugged mountains to cut off hostile lines of
supply. Pound enemies into submission from afar with artillery and aircraft.
Destroy bridges, build fortifications, and construct minefields to force your
rivals to fight on your terms. But remember, no plan of battle survives
contact with the enemy. Be prepared to adapt quickly to an evolving
battlefield and outmaneuver your opponents.
## Key Features:
* Command German, Soviet, American, British, Italian, and French forces from 1939-1945.
* Customize historical forces by retraining and reorganizing units and merging units into custom battlegroups.
* Units detailed down to every tank, artillery piece, and rifle squad.
* Combined arms warfare: deploy tanks, infantry, artillery, and aircraft to wage blitzkrieg against your opponents or grind them into the dust through attrition.
* Long range artillery: Provide fire support or pound your enemies from many hexes away.
* Fog of war and reconnaissance: Use recon units and aircraft to watch your flanks and track your enemy’s maneuvers.
* Three game types, ranging from small meeting engagements to full-scale invasions.
* Randomized objective selection and starting zones to enhance replayability.
* Single player, synchronous head-to-head PvP and 2 player co-op.
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements | |
CPU | 2 Ghz Intel or AMD | 3 Ghz Intel or AMD |
RAM | 2 GB RAM | 4 GB RAM |
OS | Windows XP SP 3 | Windows 10 |
Graphics Card | Nvidia GeForce 9400 GT | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 TI |
Direct X | Version 9.0 | Version 11 |
HDD Space | 1 GB available space | 2 GB available space |