Cluedo is a version of the popular Waddington’s board game known as Clue
in the U.S.A.
The game is a detective / puzzle game for one to six players, though the
computer will play five of these for a single player game. The objective is to
determine who killed Dr Black, where they killed him, and what the murder
weapon was. This is achieved by a process of elimination. Each player has
three clue cards. When all of these have been accounted for, what remains
unaccounted for is the solution. Players can learn what other cards other
players have by making suggestions. The game rules require opposing players
are asked in turn if they possess any of the items suggested and if they do
one card must be revealed.
This computer game follows the board game very closely starting with rolling
the dice for a high number to see who goes first. After that the cards are
shuffled and play commences. The dice is rolled. When it is the turn of a
human player a series of options are presented
* Roll Dice : self explanatory
* Notes : is used by the player to record who & what they suspect and who & what has been eliminated
* Clue Cards : the player can view their own clue cards
* Passage : As in the board game, the player may surrender a turn and take a secret passage to another room
* Suggestion : Ask opposing players if they possess any of the cards suggested
* Accusation : used when a player has enough information to end the game
* Next : used after a roll of the dice to pass control to the next player
The game also has an optional sound feature which plays music before each
player, ‘Colonel Bogey’ before Col. mustard etc.