Cloak of Darkness
Some rainy November evening, you rush into an opulent opera house and
prepare to divest yourself of a soaked + gloomy velvet garment, that you might
receive an important message in a surprising place and fashion. Preserving the
sequence of these goals is paramount.
A demonstration game not written for usual “demo” purposes (to suggest design
and technical abilities of some hypothetical full version) but rather to
indicate to potential game designers differences between umpteen various
popular amateur interactive fiction authoring systems (for those keeping track
at home: A-code, AAS, ADRIFT, AGI, AGT, Aiee!, AIFT, ALAN, CAT, Hugo, IAGE,
Inform 6 and 7, JACL, LADS, PAWS, Quest, SUDS, TADS 2 and 3, and Undum) for
purposes of cross-comparison for potential authors shopping around for a new
development environment; the stock game specification, such as it is, contains
only three rooms and three objects (a message, a brass wall-mounted hook, and
the titular dark cloak), with only a single puzzle between them. Where the fun
and education lies is in examining the respective annotated source codes
provided, to observe how different authors coaxed different languages to
provide similar results.