Clean Asia!
In a story as exotic as the gameplay itself, the eyes of all of mankind have
left their hosts and fled to the moon, in preparation of complete world
domination. Having developed their hostile weapon technology, they return to
earth ten years later and invade Asian territory. Thailand and New Korea
succumb, while China refuses any outside help to battle the invaders. America
sends a pair of pilot twins to face the invasion.
Clean Asia! is an extremely fast and hectic shmup where players can choose
from two very different pilots to attack a number of enemies in rapid
succession. The player’s ship is no larger than a tiny white dot, while the
enemies and the background are made up of colourful outlined figures, spraying
massive amounts of bullets that often cover the entire screen.
The first pilot Mickey R. Dole flies the Attractor. This is the most difficult
mode. The main means of attack is a short, powerful thrust that slices through
enemies and leaves the player invincible for a short time. Having damaged the
opponent, the player can attract the pieces of metal that have come loose, and
then launch it as a powerful attack. By doing this in rapid succession, large
combos can be created.
The second pilot Mackey I. Dole flies the Reflector. This mode offers more
traditional shmup gameplay. There is a button to fire bullets, another to
reflect all attacks (including contact with enemies), a powerful shot can be
charged with another button, and a final one absorbs debris to power up –
leading to explosive charge shots and upgraded weapons.
Only three lives are available and all three regions (Thailand, New Korea and
Chine) are available right away. The game was created for the AutoFire 2007
Shooter Competition.