## Description
_Hikari Mimamoru Sakamichi de_ ( 光見守る坂道で) is a linear visual novel featuring
full voice-acting (for dialogues and descriptions alike) that tells 8 stories
from the world of _Clannad_ that were not covered in neither anime series nor
original game, this release being the last out of two volumes (featuring last
8 out of 16 overall short episodes). Episodes can be played in any order, and
are made as a visual sound novels, each containing chapters which allow player
to skip forward or backward, but the speed of the story cannot be altered and
dialogues and descriptions being fully voiced offer no way of skipping at a
press of a button as the regular visual novels do.
During dialogues there are no visible characters that face the player as it is
a visual story being told, which mostly features different backgrounds with
special art stills that are sometimes displayed over part of the background or
as CG events in full screen.
The episodes included in this second volume are:
* Episode 1: One Piece (ワンピース) – with Kotomi Ichinose (一ノ瀬 ことみ) as protagonist
* Episode 2: Omajinai no Himitsu (おまじないのヒミツ) – with Yukine Miyazawa (宮沢 有紀寧) as protagonist
* Episode 3: Yonen Mae no Innen (四年前の因縁) – with Kappei Hiiragi (柊 勝平) as protagonist
* Episode 4: Futari no Omoide (ふたりの思い出) – with Misae Sagara (相楽 美佐枝) as protagonist
* Episode 5: Sensei no Omoide (先生の思い出) – with Toshio Koumura (幸村 俊夫) as protagonist
* Episode 6: Furukawa Bakers Saikessei (古河ベイカーズ再結成) – with Tomoya Okazaki (岡崎 朋也) as protagonist
* Episode 7: Minna de Sentou (みんなで銭湯) – with Tomoya Okazaki (岡崎 朋也) as protagonist
* Episode 8: Machi no Omoi (町の思い) – with Ushio Okazaki (岡崎 汐) as protagonist
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