Chronicles of Osgorth: The Shattered Alliance
The Shattered Alliance is a tactical simulation of the first battles of the
planet Osgorth. The game is designed for 2 players or can be played against
the computer. Osgorth is in the Andromeda Galaxy and is much like earth but
unlike earth Osgorth has bred other sentient races.In ancient times Osgorth
was divided into 2 kingdoms which held the allegiance of all the tribes of the
planet. Then came the interstellar interference of the Moonriders and their
wizard Ormolu which led to the downfall of the 2 kingdoms. Now Osgorth has
become a land of scattered tribes and fallen realms each vying for power. Take
command of elves, dwarves, human kind, unicorns,lizardmen and other wondrous
beings to seek glory and conquest.