Developed by Martin Kalimukwa (The North Studio) Original Creator: Alex Gordon (A.G Publushing) In the world of Eden a great evil has befallen mankind. Monsters of an unknown origin roam the lands, searching for those to use in populating their various races with. However, all the monsters in Eden are female, unable to give birth to any males for their kind. Now the men of humanity have become the target for these lustful creatures, and the women have taken up the blade in order to defend their race. It’s a dark time in the world and mankind is at war not only with itself but also the monsters that threaten to steal away all of their men. Yet there is one that believes not all of these creatures are truly evil, that some of them may actually be mankind’s key to survival in this world.
Chronicles Of Eden: Femme Fatal was developed by The North Studio
Chronicles Of Eden: Femme Fatal was Released on Windows,Mac,XONE,X360,PS4,PS3
Chronicles Of Eden: Femme Fatal is a Multiplayer game