## Description
_Chi ńczyk_ is a computer adaptation of an ancient Hindu board game called
Pachisi. The game allows to play up to four human or computer players. Each
player’s objective is achieving the base by all four pawns before the
opponents. Reaching the base requires making a full encirclement of the board.
Pawn leaves the starting place after throwing 1 or 6 on the dice. Opponent
pawn can’t be overtaken, but it can be beaten after entering its field. Beaten
pawn back to the starting point. The player may have any number of their pawns
on the board at one time, but only one pawn may be moved with a single throw.
Throwing a dice value higher than all pawns are eligible to move or lack of
possibility of leaving the starting position (2-5 or blocked extraction point)
means a loss of turn.
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- Riddle of the Sphinx The Awakening (Enhanced Edition)
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