## Description
_Cheat!_ is an adaptation of the card game Cheat, available on the virtual
pet website Neopets. It is a four-player game, with all three opponents
controlled by the computer. The player starts off facing three weakest
competitors, and gradually moves up the ladder as he wins more games.
At the beginning, a deck of 52 cards is randomly distributed among the four
players. The winner is the player who empties their hand first. The players
take turns in order; each turn, a player lays down between one and four cards
onto the pile, and declares what value they are (e.g. “three sixes”). The
value declared must be the same, or one lower or higher, than the value called
by the previous player, though occasionally the player can declare any value.
When a player makes their move, the other players can choose to accuse them of
cheating, i.e. lying about the cards’ value. If the accusation was correct,
the cheater must add the entire card pile to their hand. If the accusation was
incorrect, the accuser must add the pile to their hand.
Catching cheaters and winning games grants the player Neopoints (Neopets
currency) and items. Registration on the website is required to play.