## Description
_ChainReaction_ is a single player, mouse controlled, puzzle game.
In this game the player is presented with a collection of balls representing
atomic particles. The player has a collection of Radium and Uranium atoms at
their disposal. By careful positioning of these atoms the player must light up
all the atoms in the game area by causing a _Chain Reaction_.
The Radium atoms are labelled U,D,L and R for Up, Down, Left and Right. When
struck by a particle from another atom Radium emits a particle that travels as
far as it can in the specified direction lighting up all atoms in its path
There are two types of Uranium atoms, Uranium and Uranium 2, the Uranium atom
lights up all atoms touching it while the Uranium 2 atom does the same thing
but lights up two layers of surrounding atoms.
The game has fifty levels most of which are locked until the player has made
sufficient progress through the game