A small and challenging retro-fueled FPS straight from the nightmares of 90’s millennials. The Sons of Anak are opening portals to extract Dark Matter from the “other side”. Kill the possessed soldiers, the manifested demons helping them and any inanimate objects standing in your way!
## About This Game
CARNAL is a small but challenging old school shooter taking loving inspiration
from the 90’s greats made on the Quake and Build Engine. (Yes, another one)
As a chad member of the Realm Defense Force, take on the terror organization
known as the Sons of Anak, who have opened portals to the “other side”
throughout the city of Seed Valley. Once there they plan to extract Dark
Matter in order to build weapons of mass destruction.
Destroy their soldiers and operations, as well as any “other” hostile entities
that plan on stopping you.
Be warned: the world looks a lot different on the “other side”, and it also
probably smells bad.
* Two Episodes with Twelve total missions
* Diverse human and monster enemies that will murder you
* Various guns that are harmful to your health
* Keycards, swimming, secrets and pick ups
* Several unique boss enemies to ruin your pace
* An archaic Extra Lives system that keeps you going
* Two difficulty modes for those who like to measure things
* Terrible/offensive humor and game design
* A look and feel unearthed from one of the gnarliest toilets of 1996, you know like those from an old gas station at 2AM..
CARNAL is a non-serious game made for fun by a single developer. Think of it
as a fast food cheeseburger; small, colorful, cheap and tasty. It is not
trying to reinvent the wheel or dethrone any of the classics. This is just a
plain old-school game made with care, for the price of a single cup of
“Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the
law of God, nor indeed can be.” – Romans 8:7
Thanks for checking out the game friend!
## Mature Content Description
The developers describe the content like this:
While CARNAL is a low poly game, it does contain Blood and Gore, Intense
Violence and Strong Language.
Minimum System Requirements | ||
CPU | Intel Core i7-2600 3.40GHz | |
RAM | 1024 MB RAM | |
OS | Windows 7 64-bit | |
Graphics Card | NIVIDIA GeForce GTX 750ti | |
Direct X | Version 11 | |
HDD Space | 1000 MB available space |
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