## Description
_Carfax Abbey_ is a game where the player gets to explore the home of Count
Dracula from a first person perspective. The abbey has four floors with twenty
five rooms on each and the player moves between rooms through doors, secret
passages, lifts and stairs. The objective of the game is to find and destroy
Dracula and to do so a hidden crucifix must be found and it is also necessary
to gain a magic rating of at least 200. The magic rating increases by finding
various items such as potions, goblets and wands. The player also has an
energy rating which is 100% when starting out and increases with ten points
for each room visited. Subsequent visits to the same room will however lead to
a loss of five points. If the energy level reaches zero the game will end.
There are several different creatures that live in the abbey. They include
goblins, blobs, ghosts, imps and skeletons. Some of these are hostile and will
take away some energy or magic. Others are friendly such as the goblins who
are traders that will sell energy or magic in exchange for gold. To be able to
open locked doors it is necessary to find a skeleton key. It will however
reduce 25 energy points for each door. The same amount will be lost when
moving through secret passages.