Cardcaptor Sakura
The game is based on the manga Cardcaptor Sakura by the manga artist group
CLAMP, and is a Japan only release.
Sakura Kinomoto is (or maybe was) an ordinary 10-year old girl. She went to
school, joined a cheerleading club, and loved sports. She lived with her
brother and father in a nice house in the Tokyo suburb of Tomoeda, and was
pretty led a normal life.
Then one day, while home alone, she found a mysterious book in her father’s
study, called “CLOW”. What she didn’t realize was that book would change her
life…she opened it and released a powerful deck of magic cards; alive with
souls and unspeakable powers. The cards scattered across Tokyo, and the
Guardian Beast of the Seal, Kerberos, has put her in charge of gathering the
cards back up.
The birth of a Cardcaptor, Sakura Kinomoto! Now Sakura must locate all of the
cards, aided by Kerberos, her best friend Tomoyo Daidouji, and a mysterious
boy from Hong Kong named Shaoran Li. Together, the four must find all the
cards before chaos is unleashed on the world!
Cardcaptor Sakura is a very simple adventure game. Typically, the player
navigates Sakura on a very brief and linear path, until a mini-game and/or an
anime-style cutscene takes place. The mini-games are quite simple as well,
usually involving timed sequences and patterns.