The infamous King Bomb-omb has captured superheroes from all across the universe and keeps them captive in his hideouts. Now it’s only you who can save them by collecting the king’s Bombs before they explode while avoiding being caught by the minions. In order to get the job done, Hero needs to move fast.
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Use the LEFT/RIGHT & UP arrow keys on the screen to move around and hold down the Up arrow key when you are in air to glide along the way. Beware of the monsters don’t get close to them. Super Heroes need to have some super power. Well you got one collect as many bombs as you can fill your power bar. Once you’re Super power is activate you become immortal and your enemies can’t hurt you anymore.
Capt Boom was developed by startmobileandroid, Released in 2014-03-12
Capt Boom was Released on Flash,Mobile,Android,AndroidTab
Capt Boom is a Single Player game