Cannon Blaster! is an arcade shooter that takes your aim and shoot gaming to the next level. We wanted to make a more random feeling for Cannon Blaster! and decided to go for randomly generated seeds that generate the islands and player starting positions. With your cannon, your to aim and destroy others, before they find you. You have to deal with cannon damage, wind, rain, fog, and darkness, as you try to battle the elements to claim victory. Find special chest and unlock rewards and coin bonus’s. You gain coins from destroying other players and from achievements unlocked while playing. Use your new found treasure to upgrade your cannon, improving defenses, aiming capabilities, and more! So what are you waiting for? Try our demo today! (releasing soon)The Game will be:
Free (Demo) – With one cannon and no upgrades – ads possible
$4.99 – With no ads and ability to have upgradesPlease watch and follow us as we develop more each day!
Cannon Blaster! was developed by Vortex Entertainment, Released in 2014-02-21
Cannon Blaster! was Released on Windows,Mac,Mobile,iOS,iPad,Android,AndroidTab,AndroidConsole,Metro,MetroTab
Cannon Blaster! is a Single & Multiplayer game