Catch falling candy in a bowl in this hectic arcade game! You have 60 seconds to get the highest score possible but can almost infinitely extend the time by catching candy quickly. There are three candies to look out for: Good Candy, Rotten Candy, and Time Candy.
Good Candy extends the time, Rotten Candy depletes time faster, and Time Candy slows down the rate that candy falls. Candy keeps falling faster and faster and you’ll have to keep up or else the game ends!
Select a difficulty to begin with and keep playing as the game gradually becomes more difficult over time. You can get more points for each candy that falls by collecting 25 Good Candies in a row and building a score multiplier up to 5.
Players wanting to start at a faster pace can select a higher difficulty to begin with. That makes catching up to old high scores a lot quicker!
If you’re feeling bold, you can try the crazy fast Oatmeal difficulty, where you’re dropped into the game at its most chaotic pace (Expert Players Only)!
When the game becomes too frantic and you want to keep your streak going, use a Time Candy by pressing the yellow “Slow” button. Time Candy is rare, but can be bought in packs of five. Get Time Candy to keep a stash around for when you feel like setting new records.
Find it on Google Play!
Candy Shop Catch was developed by TonyYotes, Released in 2013-10-30
Candy Shop Catch was Released on Mobile,Android,AndroidTab
Candy Shop Catch is a Single Player game