Bumble Bee
_Bumble Bee_ is a top view single screen maze game where you play the role of
a bee and you have to collect all the pollen on the screen to move to a box
marked OUT to go to the next level. There are two types of walls on the screen
and they are red and yellow with red walls able to be turned to pass through
them while yellow walls are solid and cannot be moved. As you move around the
screen there are toadstools and fireballs which must be avoided but there are
points to collect for bonuses. A bar moves along the right, bottom and left of
the screen and when it reaches the top of the left side then a spider appears.
The spider has to be avoided but he can’t turn the red walls so you can make
him hit the fireballs to kill them, but toadstools have no effect. The bar
grows again when the spider appears and when it reaches the left again then
another spider appears. If you touch a spider, toadstool or fireball then you
lose one of three lives.