Based off of the 1992 movie of the same name, this game is the reimagined release of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, originally released for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Although the basic story of the game remains true to the original release, this iteration features a first-person perspective instead of the side-scrolling gameplay of the original game. The gameplay can be compared to the popular Doom game released the same year.
As Jonathan Marker stood and stared. The Northern wind tugged his hair and froze his uncovered fingers but still he made no movement to shelter. Even though it was now dusk and time for travellers to leave the dangers of the road behind a firmly closed door, he looked on. His eyes stared at the silhouetted Castle that loomed ahead against the backdrop of heavy clouds. They rose to look at the towers that seemed to almost bend over him as they pierced the skies. He looked away as a feeling of nausea overcame his tired body and he closed his eyes for a moment until the feeling disappeared. Yet when his head cleared, his eyes began searching the castle again and he began to pace slowly along the track, which would ultimately be swallowed by the span of a great gate...