A physics puzzle game where you are equipped with a red canon ready to destroy all the boxes on the screen. It not only offers puzzles, action is an important factor because depending on how fast you are, your score will be affected.BoXperiments can remind the typical canon game, but the “puzzle factor” changes the whole game mechanism and that makes this game unique.The game story is about a little alien called “Nobi” who falls asleep in space and a lot of dangerous boxes that they are carrying in the spacecraft fall to an unknown planet. The mission of Nobi is to destroy those boxes as soon as possible with his magic canon.
Link to **Video** :Youtube.com
Link to BoXperiments **Landing Page** :Linkstudios.es
**Link to download the Game:**
For iOS: Itunes.apple.com
For Android: Play.google.com
BoXperiments, Released in 2013-08-30
BoXperiments was Released on iOS,iPad,Android
BoXperiments is a Single Player game