Born fighter is a fighting game that features a cast of misfits who each have their own story. Each player represent a particular group of individuals from their school. There is Lina the Female Skate boarder, Lynt the girl with the jump rope, Kendall the street brawler, Ricky ego driven Tae Kwon Do fighter, Pudge the heavy weight, Nikame the calm and easy going female, Lu the soccer player whose only skill lies in the sport and last but not least there is Unit(Kael Dracones) the ninjitsu user. This is only a handful of the characters that will be feature in the full game. There is currently a light version available online featuring 3 playable characters.
Born Fighters was developed by One Blaze Studio Inc, Released in 2011-07-17
Born Fighters was Released on Windows,Web,Flash,iOS,Android,Metro
Born Fighters is a Single & Multiplayer game