## Description
_Borderworld_ is a two-part shareware adventure, where you play as a modern
day archeologist who during the exploration of some underwater ruins, suddenly
gets teleported to another world, where he is thrown up on a beach, and has to
find his way back by exploring the surroundings, interacting with people he
meets which seem to also be trapped humans from other time periods. There is
also alien looking ruins, temples and artefacts to search and explore.
The game is played almost entirely with a mouse, and you select actions and
dialog text from a predefined command list.
Movement is done by clicking on a compass rose, and locations are shown as
dithered photographic images together with a text description, and an ambient
sound clip. Sound is optional, and can be turned off.
There is a map onscreen, although it does not show your location, just a
general layout of the land you are exploring.
The game is split into two parts, this first part has the subtitle ‘Part I:
The Arrival’, and the second part is subtitled ‘Part II: The Forgotten City’
which is available by mail when registering the game. Registered owners also
receives four older game titles by the same author.