## Description
_Bonn ō-Yobikō 2_ is a simulation of a game show (quiz). The player is given
a time limit for each stage, which consists of 15 questions. The player must
choose the correct answer among 4 available ones. It is possible to choose to
compete in any of the 4 different categories: science, general knowledge
(which include questions from different topics, such as geography, knowledge
of Japanese language, etc.), anime (which also include video game-related
questions), and finally, “men and women”, which is just that: questions about
sexual behavior, sex-related anatomy, sexual practices, etc.
The presence of that last category essentially make _Bonn ō-Yobikō 2_ an adult
game; added to the flavor are erotic picture of various young girls, which are
unlocked upon successfully completing a quiz stage.