Blightmare is a 2D platformer that follows the journey of Blissa, a young girl struggling with the emotional and mental burdens of growing up in a difficult world. Through her dreams, Blissa confronts her demons and hopes to find the strength to overcome the darkness in her life.
## About This Game
Join Blissa as she battles her way through her dreams and her nightmares in
this whimsical, puzzling adventure platformer!
* Travel through Blissa’s colorful fantasy world as she explores her dreams, and gains new abilities she doesn’t have in the waking world
* Help Blissa overcome her struggles with fear, anxiety and depression as she battles her way through her nightmares
* Swing, climb, jump, fly and more with the help of Blissa’s trusty net
* Encounter strange and wonderful creatures in the light, and run from their cruel counterparts in the dark
* Get lost in the unique and whimsical scenery that lives in the depths of Blissa’s mind
* Coming Winter, 2019 (Wishlist NOW!)
Minimum System Requirements | ||
CPU | Intel Core i5 2300 or AMD FX6120 | |
RAM | 8 GB RAM | |
OS | Windows 7 SP1 | |
Graphics Card | Intel HD Graphics 3000 | |
Direct X | Version 10 | |
HDD Space | 2 GB available space |
Minimum System Requirements | ||
CPU | Intel Core i5 2300 | |
RAM | 8 GB RAM | |
OS | macOS 10.12 | |
Graphics Card | Intel HD Graphics 3000 | |
HDD Space | 2 GB available space |
- A Hole In Space
- A hermit crab is finding a house
- A Calm Memory Game
- A Day
- (Early Access Optional) Dudes on a Map: Game Master
- Lucid Cycle
- //TODO: today Original Soundtrack
- A Conversation With Mister Rabbit
- A Frog’s Tale
- 2D Platformer GAME (Toy Factory)
- 4 Witch Seasons & Convenant
- a guard walks into a tavern
- The Help Desk
- eemmmpty
- Tsinghua-style student life