Black Monday
Black Monday is a stock market simulation for one to six players. The goal
is to earn as much money as possible by the end of ten turns. On each turn you
will have the option of buying and selling stocks. The main screen where you
can buy or sell will show a list of stocks available, along with their price
information and how many you own. Graphs are also available to show the
history of a stock throughout the game in order to aid in making decisions.
After each player has a turn buying and selling, the stock market closes for
the night. When it opens again, you will see a news ticker summarizing the
changes to stock prices and the players will again have an opportunity to buy
or sell (this process repeats until the end of the game when the winner is
determined). Although the price changes to stocks are random, you can attempt
to influence the price somewhat by buying or selling large quantities of a
stock. If a stock is doing very well, you may earn dividends or the stock may
split. If you get into trouble, you can also visit the bank and take out a