Bizniz will launch in the mid of June, but if you wish to be a part of beta squad, mail me at [email protected]
The artstyle is intentionally ment to be sluggish, based on countless meeting room doodles, whiteboard shenanigans and other cartoonish muckops. The humor is crisp and dry, and we pay a lot of homage to our favourite TV series depicting office and geek culture.
**Free to play** The game is designed to be free to play, with new cards being unlocked over time. Eager supporters will be able to purchase card packs directly, and for those really eager to get involved, we have a limited backer service where you can sponsor a card about yourself, and it will be added to the game world.
BizNiz was developed by LizardFactory, Released in 2015-06-19
BizNiz was Released on Windows,Mac
BizNiz is a Single & Multiplayer game