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Biomotor Unitron
Biomotor Unitron is a RPG for the Neo Geo Pocket Color.
After a meteor brings a new source of energy to the world, the construction of
giant robots begins. These robots are used for entertainment and fight in
arena fights against one-another for the title Master of Masters. You play a
duo of characters that participates in these gladiator battles. You can
control both characters and have to explore and perform quests to earn money
and items to upgrade your Unitron robot with. You can talk to inhabitants of
the city and buy new items at stores.
The Unitron changes visibly when you apply upgrades and a great deal of
upgrades are at hand. Over two hundred different weapon configurations are
possible. Each weapon and part has a certain material and element. Fire
weapons will work better against wooden robots than water-based robots.
Beneath the city there are large dungeons where most quests will have to be
solved and most items will be found.
The battles are like in Pokemon, completely menu based. You pick whatever
powers you want to use from a drop-down list.