beatmania 3rdMIX
Other Informations:
Konami Bemani DJ-Main Hardware
CPU : MC68EC020FG25 @ 25MHz
Custom Chips : 058143, 056832, 055555, 056766, 058141, and KS10101
Sound : Custom Konami Sound Chips for Multiple Sound Channels
Res : 24kHz 512×384
Drives : Pop’N Music use 3.5inch IDE-HDD, all other games use 2.5inch.
Roms : Program and graphics on EEPROM.
Players : 2
Control : dial
Buttons : 5
Players : 2
Control : dial
Buttons : 5
Released in September 1998.
Konami released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Beatmania 3rd Mix Complete – KICA-7921) on 276/11/1998.
1. beatmania (1997)
2. beatmania 2ndMix (1998)
3. beatmania 3rdMix (1998)
4. beatmania complete MIX (1999)
5. beatmania 4thMix the beat goes on (1999)
6. beatmania 5thMix Time to get down (1999)
7. beatmania complete MIX 2 (2000)
8. beatmania ClubMix (2000)
9. beatmania featuring Dreams Come True (2000)
10. beatmania CORE REMIX (2000)
11. beatmania 6thMix The UK Underground Music (2001)
12. beatmania 7thMix keepin’ Evolution (2002)
13. beatmania THE FINAL (2002)