BBG was developed by Mok@, Released in 2017-02-07
BBG was Released on Windows
BBG is a Single Player game
This is a Alpha version I am alone on the project and the game is completely free for ever.
Thank you!
The game is in azerty.
“zqsd” for movement, “space” for jump, “shift’ for run,
“c” to crouch, “v” to change camera, “r” for reload,
“p” to pause, (hold) “i” to inventory & “e” to take item.
Hold “I” key for show your cursor in the inventory.
For take ammunition in your weapon inventory, drop this and walk on him, like to cusume the food and water.
Infos: Death = return to menu.(hold “i” for the cursor)
Sorry for my english i’m french.
For make a magazin for 9mn use the craft panel, (bullet+empty magazin = full mag).
Thank’s for playing.
The towergardien got a ladder but is not completly fonctionnal.
80 – 90% of house are accessible
Ramdom spawn object at random position on map(in house).
3 factions, one friendly and two enemy.
No spawn enemy or friends
No scrypts, 80% ia are in ramdom mod (in test), sick and destroy, discovert track & escape in reaction of circumstance.
80% of enemy got a personnal vision, accurate, speed etc.
20% of enemy are in simple patrol mod.
5 realistic weather and dynamic wind
Procedural Skybox and Global illumination.
Save and load your inventory, before and after death
## **Video:**
pathfinding & navmesh :
Field of view of enemis:
-Day and night cycle with 5 weather in random
-Several types of enemies and team, biped creatures, militia basic, stlaker and special force
-Advanced AI, team works
-One copter patrol (not full integred)
-Management of life, and for food, water and radioactivity
-Random spawn of items and food
-Some Skills
-Cycle jours/nuits et 5 climats differents
-Plusieurs types d’ennemis : creatures bipede, militaires, stalker et force special.
-IA Avance avec entre-aide
-Patrouille d’helicoptere (pas entierement fonctionnel)
-Gestion de la vie, de la nourriture, de l’eau et de la radioactivite
-Apparitions aleatoires d’objets et de nourriture
-Quelques competences
PROFIL GAMEPAD X360 for Xpadder in the folder of the game.
Thank’s for sharing!
This game is only make by me. Enjoy, is totaly free !
My other game:LowPolyWorld