Bankers & Bonkers is a team-based multiplayer game where two teams will fight using power-ups to get the money case found in the map and fill it as much as possible with the money spread around the map. The team that brings more money to their base wins the game.
## About This Game
Bankers & Bonkers is a team-based multiplayer game where two teams will fight
using power-ups to get the money case found in the map and fill it as much as
possible with the money spread around the map. The team that brings more money
to their base wins the game. Play with your friends as a team and collaborate
to get as much money as you can. You only have to get your hands on the
briefcase and fill it as fast as possible. Don’t forget your enemies, they
will do everything to steal the briefcase and bring it to their base.
What? Do your rivals have the briefcase? Don’t worry! You will have an array
of power-ups at your disposal that will help you to get back that briefcase
and take it to your base. You will be able to jump, block, pick and freeze. A
little bit of everything of your liking.
Oh, one more thing, money is not that light so the more you fill up that
briefcase the slower you will move. But at the same time, you will get a
bonus, it’s up to you how much you choose to fill the briefcase.
What’s the money for you say? Simple! How are you going to stand out from all
those so-called bankers if it isn’t with an expensive suit or maybe with a
high-standing costume? Whatever you prefer but make sure to visit the store
from time to time and treat yourself. Our dressmaker uses great quality
clothes, you will surely find something that you like.