Gaya is the paradisiac setting of an animated movie, where Buu and Zino often emerge victorious from the battles with the yucky Schnurks. But one day this routine gets disturbed by the insane professor N. Icely. He wants to ruin Gaya by bringing the magical stone Dalamite to the reality. But our heroes are ready to rescue Gaya with help by the Schnurks and the beautiful Alanta.
Back to Gaya – The Adventures of Zino and Buu is the video game of the movie.
Move Zino through the enormous and hostile world of human beings. In 7 levels and a total of 16 stages full of action you have to prove being the one and only national hero of Gaya!
Win the Great Gaya Race, save Alanta from huge rats, rescue the Schnurks from the claws of the greedy Susi and defeat the insane professor before he razes Gaya and the whole earth.
Buu, Zino’s best friend, accompanies you through the whole adventure and encourages you with his advice.
Use the multi-functional-slingshot to get over enormous abysses, fight against giant rats, continue the game, where the movie ends.
# Exciting mix of various genres, like Jump&Run, 3D-Action-Adventure and Fun-Racer
# More than 30 minutes of high quality movies from the motion picture
# 7 atmospheric scenarios, matching the movie’s locations
# 16 exciting stages
# More than 12 different enemies, from small ants to huge rats
# 4 special items, which can be used by the player, e.g. the multi-functional-slingshot and the spear-launcher from the movie
# Exciting riddles, being suitable for teenagers and adults alike
# Intuitive, fast to learn control