Australian Idol Sing
Australian Idol Sing is a single and multiplayer singing game. In real karaoke
style, songs appear on your screen and you have to sing the right words at the
right time. Onscreen indicators inform you what pitch you need to maintain at
any given time. Hit the right notes for the right amount of time, and you’ll
get high scores.
As the focus of the game is the TV show atmosphere, special attention has been
paid to select a great variety of video clips of judge comments and special
performances of the show. This way, players need to struggle to achieve a good
result and are awarded with special contents from the show. The game also
contains Party modes in which players compete by playing a selection of funny
The game is bundled with a USB microphone.
The tracklist of the game features songs like Wasabi (Lee Harding), Do It With
Madonna (The Androids), 4ever (The Veronicas), Love Song (Amiel), and many