Attack on Titan closely follows the riveting story line of Attack on Titan’s first season and focuses on the exploits of various key characters, putting the player in a position to relive the anime’s most shocking, courageous, and exhilarating moments. It revolves around the story of three young people who survive the destruction of their walled city district by enormous, man-eating Titans and eventually go on to join the Scout Regiment in order to protect humanity from this overpowering foe.
Attack on Titan closely follows the riveting story line of Attack on Titan’s first season and focuses on the exploits of various key characters, putting the player in a position to relive the anime’s most shocking, courageous, and exhilarating moments. It revolves around the story of three young people who survive the destruction of their walled city district by enormous, man-eating Titans and eventually go on to join the Scout Regiment in order to protect humanity from this overpowering foe.
Abandon all fear. Attack on Titan 2 is the gripping sequel to the action game based on the worldwide hit anime series “Attack on Titan.”
Experience the immense story of the anime alongside Eren and his companions, as they fight to save humanity from the threat of the deadly human devouring Titans. Try your hand in operating the omni-directional mobility gear, maneuvering and flying through the sky to counter the Titans, and feel the thrill and satisfaction of battling giant opponents.
The latest title in the “Attack on Titan” series is available for Windows!
Players engage in battle in the world of “Attack on Titan” from the perspective of a single soldier. Experience the most extreme and evolved Titan-hunting action yet!
The thrill of hunting Titans with omni-directional mobility gear action
The thrill of freely soaring through the skies has been taken to the next level!
We’ve included moves that allow you to instantly close in on far-off Titans and slice them with “Sneak Attacks,” quickly circle behind Titans and deal large amounts of damage with “Hook Drive” attacks, and more. Achieve evolved omni-directional mobility gear action that is rich with variety.
Impending horror, bloodcurdling Titans
Titans are after you!
The Titans’ movements and reactions are more menacing than ever as they encroach on the player, but the situation is at its most severe when you enter threatening “danger zones.”
Charge forth, fly about, and repeatedly unleash powerful attacks on a battlefield ridden with suspense.
A familiar story, overwhelming immersion
Using the story from Season 2 of the anime as a basis, we’ve prepared an original sub-story for the game under the supervision of author Hajime Isayama.
Experience the immense story of the anime alongside Eren and his companions, as they fight to save humanity from the threat of the deadly human devouring Titans. Try your hand in operating the omni-directional mobility gear, maneuvering and flying through the sky to counter the Titans, and feel the thrill and satisfaction of battling giant opponents.
The latest title in the “Attack on Titan” series is available for Windows!
Players engage in battle in the world of “Attack on Titan” from the perspective of a single soldier. Experience the most extreme and evolved Titan-hunting action yet!
The thrill of hunting Titans with omni-directional mobility gear action
The thrill of freely soaring through the skies has been taken to the next level!
We’ve included moves that allow you to instantly close in on far-off Titans and slice them with “Sneak Attacks,” quickly circle behind Titans and deal large amounts of damage with “Hook Drive” attacks, and more. Achieve evolved omni-directional mobility gear action that is rich with variety.
Impending horror, bloodcurdling Titans
Titans are after you!
The Titans’ movements and reactions are more menacing than ever as they encroach on the player, but the situation is at its most severe when you enter threatening “danger zones.”
Charge forth, fly about, and repeatedly unleash powerful attacks on a battlefield ridden with suspense.
A familiar story, overwhelming immersion
Using the story from Season 2 of the anime as a basis, we’ve prepared an original sub-story for the game under the supervision of author Hajime Isayama.
Attack on Titan Key Features:
1, Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements | |
CPU | Core i7 870 2.93GHz over | Core i7 2600 3.40GHz over |
VRAM | 1 GB | 2 GB |
RAM | 4 GB | 8 GB |
OS | Windows® 7, Windows® 8.1, Windows® 10 | Windows® 7, Windows® 8.1, Windows® 10 |
Graphics Card | NVIDIA Geforce GTS 450 | NVIDIA Geforce GTX 760 |
Direct X | Version 11 | Version 11 |
SOUND CARD | DirectX 9.0c over | DirectX 9.0c over |
HDD Space | 25 GB | 25 GB |
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Attack on Titan Game Series [View Attack on Titan Full Game Series]
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