Astro Maths
_Master Maths_ is a shareware Maths tutor program.
The main body of this software is aimed at presenting primary school children
with simple maths questions to answer. It also contains a maths game.
In the game, which can be played by 1 – 4 players the top of the screen
displays the numbers 1 through to 30. On the bottom of the screen the game
displays three numbers in the range 1 to 9. The player must combine these
numbers together to produce an answer in the range 1 to 30. So, for example,
if presented with the numbers 1 1 and 3 the player completed the sum as “1 x 1
x 3” the answer would be 3. This would result in the number 3 being removed
from play.
One point is scored for every sum that results in a number being removed from
play and the winner is the player who has the highest score when all numbers
have been removed.
Minimum System Requirements |