## Description
Artusi: Cooking Time is a match-three mobile game. Every level is based on a
recipe by the famous Italian gourmet Pellegrino Artusi.
Playing a level means going step by step through the recipe: every non-trivial
action of the recipe is modeled as collecting some ingredients from the board
and processing them with the appropriate kitchen tool. Up to three tools can
be active at the same time, each one requiring different ingredients (raw or
obtained from a previous action). Some actions are constrained to be completed
in no more than a specific number of moves (which is a metaphor for performing
real cooking actions with appropriate timing). Completing an action usually
produces a new composite/processed ingredient: if the active tool “knife” asks
for 10 tomatoes, when you finish collecting them you get on the board new
elements (‘cut tomato pieces’) to be used in the next phase. This goes on
until you lose (by exceeding the number of moves) or successfully complete all
the steps in the recipe.
Collecting a certain amount of “cooking hat” elements from the board allows to
perform a special moves referred as “cooking trick”. Depending on where you
apply the “cooking trick”, you get a different kind of bonus (gaining extra
moves on a tool, collecting ingredients from a 3×3 region of the board,
increasing the collected count of a specific ingredient).
When completing all the steps of the recipe under an extra constraint (keeping
the moves count timer in the “green” area), you can attempt the “Final Touch”:
a single-move puzzle that, when solved, rewards the player with a “Golden
Leave”, which can be used to gain a “cooking trick” move without collecting
hats from the board. Alternatively, “Golden Leaves” can be obtained through
in-app purchases.