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Arkaim:The path of elders was developed by MartinBelaGames
Arkaim:The path of elders was Released on Windows
Arkaim:The path of elders is a Single Player game
Hello guys, We’d like to introduce to you our first project which is called – Arkaim. The name is temporary because we have just started to work on the storyline and game mechanics. As some of you have already realised, we haven’t picked just a random name for this game. It is the name of an ancient city which used to be in chelyabinsk region in Russia. And that is also the place where our game will be located. It is well known that there used to be situated one of the firstly settled places of this region. However, archeologists have only recently found strange artifacts which are beyond understanding of an average modern people. So they have to be analysed carefully. One of the analysed artifact or object is an unknown altar which is discovered by archeologists 2,5 metres right below the ground. But what is the purpose of the altar? The answer will be revealed in the next article when we will make up the continentia of the storyline. See you later, greetings from Matt & Susan.