The world of Arilienta is divided on many completely different islands by enraged god of life (see story). Each of these islands has its own look, style and atmosphere, weather and sound effects. On all these worlds, you will be able to learn story of many gods and people, and touch and explore ruins created in the First age. You may use a magical sword who’s blade is pure lightning, or a black metal spear with bunch of nails on its top. Or a fork and a spoon. It’s up to you. There are several pickups to help you on your mission, making you stay alive, or giving you strenght to murder. Besides barbaric weapons, you may go the other sides. You could dance through the shadows, making no noise and kill others before they know they are dead. Or you can summon powerfull energies into your left hand, transforming it into a form of your will, such as fireball, or even a mighty lightning storm from a clear sky. By taking your own revenge, you will get in way of corrupted forces of Zaer…
Arilienta was developed by Hell Entertainment
Arilienta was Released on Windows
Arilienta is a Single & Multiplayer game