Apopia: Sugar Coated Tale is a comedic adventure with dark mysteries. Help young girl Mai to find her way home. Progress by solving puzzles and outsmarting enemies in minigames. Make friends and foes with talking animals. Unravel the mystery of Mai’s identity from her dark and blurry memories.
## About This Game
APOPIA: SUGAR COATED TALE is a comedic adventure with dark mysteries. Help
young girl Mai to find her way home. Progress by solving puzzles and
outsmarting enemies in minigames. Make friends and foes with talking animals.
Unravel the mystery of Mai’s identity from her dark and blurry memories.
As Mai, you will:
* Explore the beautiful fantasy world. Get to know funny characters who are a cat, a mole, a lot of bunnies, and more. Each with unique personality and background story.
* Solve creative puzzles along your way home.
* Beat enemies… um, lower your fists… You’ll beat them by outsmarting them in minigames.
* Defeat dark bosses in rhythm games.
* Discover the truth about your family and identity.
* Bizarre adventure as the only human in a fantasy world.
* Funny talking animals, including a cat… a mutant cat.
* Action + Puzzles + Rhythm Games.
* Unique boss fight system.
* 70+ hand-drawn animations.
* Inspired by 90s Cartoon Style.
* Original Soundtracks.
* You can pet a cat in-game!
* Unravel the dark secrets of of of,f… ofo. .oo ,…
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