“Aozora Under Girls – Karsome Irony” is a unique VR rhythm game (RhythmGame) based on the operating modes of various popular rhythm games on the market. The game has been licensed by SQUARE ENIX’s well-known IP “Girls under the Blue Sky”, so we have created a special customized “Aozora Under Girls – Karsome…
## About This Game
“Aozora Under Girls – Karsome Irony” is a unique VR rhythm game (RhythmGame)
based on the operating modes of various popular rhythm games on the market.
The game has been licensed by SQUARE ENIX’s well-known IP “Girls under the
Blue Sky”, so we have created a special customized “Aozora Under Girls –
Karsome Irony” for VR users. The game is a special single version. The song
used is supervised by Japanese music teachers. The Japanese style is strong
and the most distinctive feature is that the rhythm is very strong. As the
music rings, the mood will be taken away by the rhythm of tension. Even if it
is delicate and delicate, the song that is laid-back on holidays is like
strolling on the street, running and jumping.
Join us and enjoy!
Minimum System Requirements | ||
CPU | Intel Core i5-4590 or AMD FX 8350 above | |
OS | Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 | |
Graphics Card | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, AMD FX 8250 or above | |
Direct X | Version 11 | |
HDD Space | 200 MB available space |
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