## Description
_Antimati ere_ is a game where the player explores a strange environment from
a first-person perspective, solving puzzles to progress. The game is set in a
3D world that can be fully navigated using the mouse and keyboard. However,
all the items and characters are shown as flat, 2D objects. The player can
pick up a single tile – such as a tree, a printer, a character or a door –
carry it around and place it at a different location. These tiles can be
placed against a wall, but also against the ceiling or the floor. Only a
single texture can be held at all times. Reshaping the game world is required
to progress. For instance: by moving a door from one wall to another, a
different room can be accessed.
Some of the challenges have the player navigate a river by building a bridge
and climbing a large tree through pieces of a ladder. In certain areas the
objects are also mirrored infinitely into the distance. It is possible to talk
to other characters, but apart from moving textures no other actions are
possible and there are no weapons or on-screen indicators of any kind. It is
possible to talk to some of the flat characters, as they often provide hints.