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#### Description
**Purchase this PS one ® Classic and play it on both your PS3™ and PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) systems!**
Between the worlds of light and dark lies the world of dreams. A world where the rule of reason loosens its grip. A place where an insidious evil is stealing minds and blackening the hearts of those from the world of light.
Grab a weapon and become the dreamwalker Alundra as he struggles to purge the evil Iord of an ancient world before it falls to ash. Explore dungeons, find weapons, solve challenging puzzles, and kick some serious monster butt as you weave between tense reality and nightmarish dreams to save the hapless masses.
Alundra garnered a comprehensive score of 86 while users rank it a 92.
GamePro scores Alundra a 90: “Alundra’s off-the-hook action and challenging gameplay elevate it to must-have RPG status. Wake up and buy the game… missing out may cause you to have nightmares.”
Gaming Age scores Alunda a 90: “Look no further if you are among the game playing ranks that is looking for a Herculean challenge, a complex and involving story, and tight, responsive gameplay.”
Download this PS one® Classic today!
Transferring to a PSP® system from your PS3™ system:
**You must be signed into the PlayStation ®Network account that originally purchased the game.** You must have at least 318 MB free on your Memory Stick Duo™. Connect your PSP® system to your PS3™ system with a USB cable and switch your PSP® system to USB Mode. Highlight the game on the PS3™ XMB™, press the Δ button and select Copy.
PC Store Customers:
Log into your PlayStation®Network account that you originally used to purchased the game. Then, download the game from your “Download List” in the PlayStation®Store onto your PS3™ system.
This title has been converted from the original PlayStation® disc to the PSP® and the PS3™ systems. Consequently, there may be times where the title plays differently from the PlayStation® disc version, or where some features may not function properly. This version does not support PlayStation® peripherals (controller, memory card, multitap, etc.), therefore functionalities such as multiplayer, versus, and co-op modes are not available.
Purchase indicates acceptance of the PlayStation®Network Terms of Service/User Agreement and this item’s use restrictions. If you do not wish to accept all these terms, do not purchase this item. One-time license fee for downloads to up to 2 console systems and 2 portable systems that are associated with the purchasing account.
Download this PS one® Classic today!
(C) 2007 Sony Computer Entertainment English Translation (C) 1997 Working Designs
“PlayStation”, “PS” Family logo, and “PSP” are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.