Alien Drug Lords: The Chyropian Connection
_Alien Drug Lords: The Chyropian Connection_ is a sci-fi graphic adventure
game. You begin on a spaceship docked on an alien world called Chyropia. From
here you need to find a way into nearby Crystal City, a place of casinos and
bars and underhand dealings. It’s a dangerous and unforgiving place, with lots
of opportunities to meet a sudden end.
Most of the screen is taken up with the current scene in first-person view,
with an L-shaped GUI bar interface surrounding it. In the bottom-right corner
is a small compass rose with arrow buttons to move to adjacent locations, and
across the bottom and right edges of the screen are action buttons and
information display, such as how much money you have. _Alien Drug Lords_ has
three difficulty settings: “New Adventurer”, “Experienced” and “Suicide