“Alice Lorange Adventures Season 1” is an episodic semi-linear story made in Twine, staring an autistic teenager. After a difficult day at school, and a demented nightmare, Alice Lorange finds herself in a strange house. Will she be able to return to Earth?
## About This Game
“Alice Lorange Adventures Season 1” is an episodic semi-linear story made in
Twine, staring an autistic teenager. After a difficult day at school, and a
demented nightmare, Alice Lorange finds herself in a strange house. Will she
be able to return to Earth?
A New Beginning…
This story is in a brand-new universe / reality, thus you don’t need to have
read any other stories from this developer to understand “Alice Lorange
Early Ends
Our heroine’s journey can end up early and on a dramatic note. Can you find
(or avoid) them all?
Minimalist Presentation
No graphics, nor background music… Focus on the text, the story’s heart.
It is possible to personalize your reading experience by choosing between 3
text sizes, 6 background colors and 7 fonts.
Easy language switch
It’s easy to switch from one language to another in the Settings menu.
12.204 words
Steam Achievements!
The original language is French.
Minimum System Requirements | ||
CPU | Intel Pentium 4 or later | |
RAM | 512 MB RAM | |
OS | Windows 7 or above (x64 ONLY) | |
Graphics Card | 1280 x 720 pixels or higher desktop resolution | |
SOUND CARD | Any sound card | |
HDD Space | 205 MB available space |