Engage in a hands-on approach to airport security. Ever wondered what it would be like to be responsible for all the security operations and preventing contraband on a modern airport? Now you can!
## About This Game
Large numbers of people pass through airports every day. We get annoyed by
security measures every time we fly, but how does it look from the other side?
Airport Contraband gives you the opportunity to see the business end from the
point of view of security personal working on airports. You will assume
different roles and try your hand at keeping the airport safe, perform checks,
look for contraband, spot suspicious passengers or inspect entire aircrafts.
Checking passwords sounds like an easy enough job, but it actually becomes
difficult the moment suspicion arises. While you pay attention to clues in a
passenger’s behavior and are aided by a system feeding you additional
information about previous offenses, you can’t just pull a passenger to the
side on a whim. Well, you can, but every time you are wrong and an innocent
passenger misses a flight you get a penalty. Do it frequently and your career
will slowly go down the drain. On the other hand if you miss a guilty
passenger that is up to no good, your career ends even faster.
Preventing the wrong people from getting onto a plane is one thing, but
allowing prohibited items to pass won’t help your career either. Discover just
how innovate people can get when they try to smuggle things. Upholding not
only safety regulations, but also customs laws creates an in-depth gameplay
element with a variety of tools and equipment to utilize. It’s not only what
some passengers try to smuggle, but also how they try to do that adds an
entertaining component into the mix.
Passengers queueing up for departure or arriving is not all that happens
around an airport. There is a lot more to maintaining airport-wide security.
And it all starts with monitoring different areas of the airport, looking for
what’s going on, trying to spot known suspects and mark all types of
suspicious behaviors for your colleagues to follow up upon.
Having a multitude of cameras and a dozen screens at your disposal allows you
get to oversee the vast expanse of the airport.
Many of the tasks you’ll have to perform might appear quite easy at first.
Don’t let this appearance fool you. Even the simplest of tasks might become
challenging when time matters and it usually does. On an airport everything is
on a tight schedule. You will have to perform your duties with predefined
timeframes in mind, otherwise you not only miss out on commendations, but are
likely to gather penalties that will hamper your progress and career.
Commercial airline passengers are one thing, private planes are a whole
different story. One that you get to experience in detail. Inspecting an
entire plane takes the cat and mouse game of smuggling to a whole new level. A
small private propeller plane offers plenty of places to hide things and it
doesn’t get any easier with a private jet. Thankfully you will have an
impressive array of tools at your disposal to aid you in these efforts.
Contraband is by far not the only crime committed on airports. You will also
have to deal with lots of minor violations, theft, impersonation, vandalism or
assault to just name a few.
Your job won’t be chasing criminals (although that might actually happen on
occasion), it’s more about discovering those crimes and coordinating the
security personal to enact your orders.
You don’t always work on your own. As various tasks have to be dealt with
quickly, you are occasionally aided by NPCs. They have different skill and
experience levels and also feature different personalities. Who you get to
work with depends mostly on your reputation and progress in the game. Some you
will get along just fine, others might be a little more tricky not to mention
some might even break under the pressure.
If you have a rather poor track record, the experienced NPCs will do their
best to avoid teaming up with you. However, when you excel at your duties and
gain some commendations, you’ll be able to influence who you team up with.
Minimum System Requirements | Recommended System Requirements | |
CPU | Intel Core i3 3.0 GHz | Intel Core i5 (recent generation) |
OS | Windows 7 (64-bit) or 10 (64-bit) | Windows 10 |
Graphics Card | NVidia GeForce GTX 660 2GB VRAM | NVidia GeForce GTX 970 4GB VRAM |
Direct X | Version 11 | Version 11 |
HDD Space | 15 GB available space | 15 GB available space |